Category Archives: Tjen Folket

International Messages on death of Com. Pierre

TKP/ML pour Pierre

 Pierre a sacrifié chaque instant de sa vie de 81 ans dans la lutte des classes, son nom est reconnu avec insistances dans la lutte communiste et revolutionnaire. Pierre est immortel! Sa lutte et sa mémoire vivront dans la lutte international du proletariat! 

TKP/ML.(Partie communiste de Turquie/ marxiste leniniste) 

Tr: 81 Yıllık yaşamının her anını sınıf mücadelesine adamış, devrim ve komünizm mücadelesinin ısrarlı ismi, pierre ölümsüzdür. mücadelesi ve anısı enternasyonalist proleterya mücadelesinde yaşayacaktır. TKP/ML



Revolutionary Red Salute to Comrade Pierre from Ceylon Communist Unity Centre (Sri Lanka)


from Manipur and India for Pierre
Revolutionary glory be to Comrade Pierre!




Comrade Pierre – indelibly in the hearts and struggles of the revolutionary masses! Revolutionary Assembly – Austria


Comrade Pierre died on the 4th of December in old age. His death left sorrow and is a great bereavement – but Comrade Pierre left great experiences and achievements, branded into the hearts of all who have struggled by his side.

Comrade Pierre is a great example of what it means to give his life to serve the revolution, always ready to serve the new, the proletarian way. As a main founding-member of the Maoist Communist Party, Pierre was a combatant and precursor of Maoism in France.

Pierres direct heritage is mirrored today in the militancy of the comrades of the Maoist Communist Party, who are well prepared for the upcoming struggles, through his consequent attitude, his enormous theoretical and practical experience!

Comrade Pierre was a tireless combatant against imperialism and fascism, always having great trust into the masses. He had shown how important it is to overcome difficulties, based on the masses and with trust in your own power. Pierres death, as Mao said, weighs heavier than the Tai mountain, because he left great combatants, which were forged under his leadership!

Comrade Pierre also was a great combatant for the proletarian internationalism, which for example is shown in his work to support the people’s war in India. Austrian revolutionaries got to know him as a Comrade, who always was putting effort to establish and to maintain international contacts and who especially supported the youth, the new Generation.

Our condolence applies to all comrades who have struggled by his side – knowing assuredly, that in the militancy of Comrade Pierre they will continue his way, making great efforts to serve the world proletarian revolution!


Our Red Salutes on the life of Comrade Pierre!

Long live the Maoist Communist Party of France!

Revolutionary Assembly – Austria

9th of December, 2017


Fransız Komünist Partisi Başkanı, Pier Yoldaş, Komünarların yanına sonsuzluğa uğurlandı

Paris (08-12-2017) Geçtiğimiz günlerde, 81 yaşına rağmen durmak nedir bilmediği, günlük politik çalışma içinde, yıllardır her eylemde orda olduğu Paris Republiq Meydanından metroya inerken, geçirdiği talihsiz bir kaza sonucu hayatını kaybeden FKP(Maoist) in başkanı Pier Yoldaş, bugün 8 Aralık Cuma günü, Komünarların mezarlığı Pere Lachais da, Cretaryumda bedeni yakılarak sonsuzluğa uğurlandı.
Saat 10 h 00 da başlayan törene, FCP (Maoist) bayrağı altında, kızıl bayrağa sarılı Pier yoldaşın tabutu başında yoldaşları ve onu son yolculuğunda yalnız bırakmayan çeşitli devrimci parti ve örgütler adına konuşmalar yapıldı.
FCF( Maoist), MKP, TKP/ML adına yapılan konuşmalarda ve hazırlanan metinlerde Pier yoldaşın çizgiye bağlı mütevazı devrimci kişiliği ve kişisel devrimci özelliklerinin altı çizildi.
Fransız ve göçmen dernek, sendikalar adına yapılan konuşmalarda da, onun dayanışmacı yoldaşca ictenligine vurgu yapıldı.
Pier yoldaş, Enternasyonel Marşın okumasının ardindan, son yolculuğuna uğurlandı.
Katılımcı kitle ise, kızıl bayraklar eşliğinde, marşlar söyleyerek, komüncüler anıtına yürüdü.
Yürüyüş boyunca ” Başkan Pier yaşasın, ” Marks, Engels, Lenin Yaşasın” sloganları atıldı.
Tören kömüncüler anıtında sona erdi.

Luminoso Futuro: Nota de condolencia por Pierre


Sabida la dolorosa noticia del fallecimiento del camarada Pierre, miembro fundador y militante  de primera línea del Partido Comunista Maoísta de Francia, sumamos nuestra voz de condolencia a los camaradas  y  al proletariado francés por tan trágico suceso.

El camarada Pierre en la noche del viernes 1 de diciembre, del corriente, ha sufrido un accidente al resbalar por una escalera del Metro, en París, que le ha ocasionado muy graves lesiones en la cabeza y la espina dorsal. Hospitalizado de urgencia, dos días después, domingo, según parte médica su cerebro ha cesado toda actividad. Por lo que, ya para en la mañana, del lunes 4 de diciembre, ha sido desconectado de todo soporte vital y declarado muerto.  Él en ese momento tenía 81 años de edad.

El camarada Pierre, por largo tiempo, ha sido un combatiente de primera línea en los combates por la defensa de los intereses particulares y generales del proletariado francés y en la defensa de la integralidad del Maoísmo, como nueva y superior etapa del desarrollo del Marxismo-Leninismo. Por su firmeza en los principios normativos y su consagración a la causa de la clase obrera francesa y mundial se ha ganado el cariño y respeto revolucionario de sus camaradas y de todo el Movimiento Comunista Maoísta Internacional. Los cuales, hoy, enlutan sus rojas banderas. Su desaparición deja un vacío en las filas de su Partido y del MCMI difícil de colmar.

El camarada Pierre ha sido enterrado hoy, en el histórico cementerio de Pere Lachaise, junto a sus camaradas los heroicos Comuneros de París de 1871. En acto de su despedida se han hecho presente muchos combatientes proletarios, los que han renovado su compromiso de seguir la senda trazada por el camarada Pierre y de no descansar hasta no ver triunfantes su ideales comunistas en Francia y en el Mundo.

Nosotros, comunistas (marxistas-leninistas-Pensamiento de Mao Tse-tung) de Panamá, con el corazón dolorido y el puño levantado, desde acá, le rendimos pleitesía a su memoria y a sus luchas. Extendiendo nuestra condolencia a los camaradas maoístas franceses, así como a sus familiares y cercanos amigos, nos atrevemos sugerirles que muy pronto consigan convertir el dolor en fuerza revolucionaria.

Descansa en paz tú ahora, camarada Pierre, tus esfuerzos y sacrificios no han sido en vano, en tús continuadores vivirá tu lucha por la libertad y el comunismo.


por Pierre – Ecuador Comunicado del PCE-Puka Inti

 con motivo del fallecimiento del Camarada Pierre.


 EL PARTIDO COMUNISTA DEL ECUADOR-SOL ROJO se solidariza con el proletariado- pueblo oprimido de Francia y con el proletariado internacional ante el sensible fallecimiento del camarada Pierre.
El proletariado, campesinado pobre y demás masas explotadas del Ecuador, reconocen la brega del camarada Pierre por imponer el marxismo-leninismo-maoísmo en Francia, la construcción del partido de nuevo tipo, su irrestricto apoyo a la Guerra Popular en el Perú y la defensa del Presidente Gonzalo como algunas de las tantas expresiones de su vida como rojo luchador, síntesis de su cualidad como comunista.
Sin lugar a dudas el Movimiento Comunista Internacional ha perdido a un gran combatiente por el comunismo. Su aporte al proletariado internacional y pueblos oprimidos del mundo nutre la certeza que tenemos de que con comunistas de esta estirpe, la revolución proletaria mundial es una realidad en curso.

for Pierre – new hommage from Tunisia

The maoist communist movement in France and in the world lost the 1st December 2017 one of its leaders, who is the comarade Pierre , at age of 80, a member of the leading body of the french Communist maoist Party. Comrade Pierre was proletarian, he knew the communism in the uprising of may 1968 and held since the beginning the revolutionary maoist theory. He was known of his determinated activity with the proletarians, farmers, youth and women, also defending the rights of workers in and outside France. He supported the masses in the creative implementation of the logo “like a fish in the water”. He had a remarkable influence on the reconstruction of the international communist movement and tide its relationship with the maoist communist parties and organizations all over the world . Pierre, was always full of confidence about the future and did never bow during a half-century of fighting the revisionist currents that affected the international communist movement. And today , here we are saying goodbye but his memory will stay alive pushing the maoist militants in France and in other countries towards the revolution.


por Pierre – BRASIL: Carta del Partido Comunista do Brasil – Fração Vermelha


Proletários de todos os países, uni-vos!

Honra e glória ao camarada Pierre! Viva o Partido Comunista Maoísta – França!

Ao Partido Comunista Maoísta – França

O Partido Comunista do Brasil – Fração Vermelha, se dirige ao Partido Comunista Maoísta – França, para expressar suas mais profundas condolências pela morte do camarada Pierre.

O camarada Pierre, um dos fundadores do Partido Comunista Maoísta, dedicou toda sua vida de maneira incansável a causa do comunismo. Ao longo de seus mais de 80 anos, tomou parte ativa na luta de classes sempre ao lado das massas exploradas e oprimidas, lutando ombro a ombro com o proletariado de seu pais e do mundo pela Revolução Proletária Mundial.

O camarada Pierre lutou por décadas ao lado do proletariado francês contra o oportunismo e a reação para constituir um verdadeiro partido comunista neste país, e realizar a revolução socialista. Com este objetivo foi conformado o PCM – França, partido que em meio a luta contra oportunismo e em defesa da violência revolucionária tem se colocado a frente das principais lutas do proletariado e massas, tal como a luta na Revolta dos Banlieus, a greve geral contra a reforma trabalhista de 2015, e as jornadas de luta de julho contra o G20, em Hamburgo na Alemanha, quando o PCM esteve nas primeiras filas junto aos revolucionários alemães, lutando contra a cúpula imperialista.

O camarada Pierre se colocou ao lado da luta dos povos do mundo pela revolução democrática e de libertação nacional, apoiando decididamente as Guerras Populares na Índia, Peru e Filipinas,

O camarada Pierre e o PCM, lutou decididamente pela unidade dos comunistas no mundo participando de reuniões e atividades internacionais tais como a Segunda Reunião de Partidos e organizações mlm da Europa, a campanha pelo apoio a Guerra Popular na Índia, e em defesa da vida do Presidente Gonzalo, publicando recentemente o importante documento “Defender o presidente gonzalo é defender o maoísmo”.

Nós, comunistas do Brasil, que lutamos pela reconstituição do Partido Comunista em nosso pais, erguemos nossas bandeiras vermelhas ante a memória do camarada Pierre, e enviamos nossas sentidas condolências a seus camaradas de luta e familiares. Contudo estamos seguros, que as jovens gerações de comunistas forjados na luta contra o revisionismo e na violência revolucionária, sob o guia do maoísmo saberão levar adiante a bandeira pela qual o camarada Pierre lutou e elevá-la aos mais altos cumes, ao assalto aos céus, com Guerra Popular até o comunismo.

Honra e glória ao camarada Pierre!

Viva o Partido Comunista Maoista – França!

Viva o marxismo leninismo maoísmo!

Viva a Guerra Popular!

Partido Comunista do Brasil – Fração Vermelha

Dezembro de 2017



Paris – Beaucoup de camarades ont répondu présent pour accompagner le camarade Pierre vers sa dernière demeure.

Beaucoup de camarades ont répondu présent pour accompagner le camarade Pierre vers sa dernière demeure.
Merci à toutes les personnes présentes. Un hommage public devrait également être organisé et sera annoncé.
L'immagine può contenere: una o più persone, persone in piedi, folla e spazio all'aperto

Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan for Pierre

To:  Communist Maoist Party of France

Dear comrades!

We have been informed that comrade Pierre one of your party leadership members passed away in the age of 81. On behalf of his passing away, Communist (Moist) Party of Afghanistan and masses under party leadership in national –new democratic organizations send its condolence and sorrows to Communist Moist Party of France and all his friends and comrades and his life partner.

Comrade Pierre was the founder and the main character of communist Maoist party of France. His passing away was not only a big missing for your party but also for international Maoist movement. Therefore, his memories will remain constant for France Moist struggle movement and international Moist movement and all MLM parties in deferent countries including Afghanistan Moist struggle movement and Communist (Moist) Party of Afghanistan and revolutionary, combatant masses.

Once again please accept and share our deep condolence and sorrows to all comrades, friends and his wife.

Let’s keep alive comrade Pierre ‘s memories  and follow his path     

Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan  

December 8, 2017

for Pierre – Today is enterred in Pere Lachaise – the cimiter of Commune’s heroes – Maoist road is founded by PCm Italy – Galicia’s comrades and for the PCM France by comrade Pierre! For this, Pierre lives in all this internationalist work for a new communist international!


En días pasados hemos recibido la noticia acerca del fallecimiento del camarada Pierre, quien fuera un viejo y probado dirigente proletario, fundador del Partido Comunista maoísta de Francia.

La pérdida de este camarada sin duda pesa sobre su Partido y sobre el conjunto de partidos y organizaciones del Movimiento Comunista Internacional, quienes abrazamos el marxismo-leninismo-maoísmo como la tercera y superior etapa del marxismo para impulsar las revoluciones proletarias en los países imperialistas y desarrollados, y las revoluciones de nueva democracia en los países oprimidos y las semi-colonias, todo como parte de la ruta para la construcción del Socialismo en cada país y del Comunismo internacional.

“Morir por los intereses del pueblo tiene más peso que el monte Taishan” nos dijo el Presidente Mao Tse Tung, y la labor del camarada Pierre, descrita por el PCmF da cuenta que la vida y obra de un militante comunista y de un jefe del proletariado, cuando son entregadas con amor a la clase obrera y el pueblo trabajador, tienen demasiado peso histórico que las nuevas generaciones de comunistas de Francia sabrán aquilatar para garantizar el triunfo de la revolución proletaria en su país con guerra popular hasta el comunismo.

Externamos nuestras condolencias al PCmF y la familia del camarada Pierre. Nos solidarizamos con el proletariado y las masas populares de Francia que han perdido físicamente a uno de sus más queridos jefes. Enviamos un cálido saludo rojo y revolucionario a los camaradas que retoman y alzan la bandera de la construcción del Partido de Vanguardia del proletariado francés que el camarada Pierre supo llevar a delante con la construcción del PCmF.

¡Honor y gloria al camarada Pierre!

¡Viva el Partido Comunista maoísta de Francia!

 ¡Servir al pueblo de todo corazón!

¡Proletarios y pueblos oprimidos de todo el mundo, uníos!



In Gedenken an Genossen Pierre – Internationalistisches Kollektiv Berlin Kollektiv Rotes Hamburg

Am Morgen des 4. Dezember starb Genosse Pierre nach einem Unfall in der Pariser Metro am 2. Dezember. Genosse Pierre war Mitgründer und ein wichtiger Genosse der Maoistischen Kommunistischen Partei Frankreichs (PCM).
Die Genossen der PCM, die dieses Jahr Seite an Seite mit den Genossen aus der BRD, Österreich, Schweden und anderen Ländern bei den Kämpfen gegen die G20 gekämpft haben, haben mit diesem Tod einen schweren Verlust erlitten. Unsere volle Anteilnahme gilt den Genossen, von denen wir ausgehen, dass sie nur noch entschlossener und härter kämpfen werden, wie sie es auch selbst in ihrer Erklärung schreiben: „Dank dem was er an die jüngeren Generationen weitergegeben hat, haben wir Hoffnung, Stärke, Entschlossenheit gewonnen und ein Beispiel dafür, was es heißt, ein authentischer kommunistischer Führer zu sein, ein maoistischer Führer: niemals loszulassen, immer auf der Seite des Volkes und der Arbeiterklasse, unter den Massen wie ein Fisch im Wasser zu sein, immer danach strebend sich zu verbessern indem man weiß wie man immer wieder zur Sache zurückkehrt wenn notwendig, fest in den Prinzipien zu sein.“
Die Genossen schreiben über Genossen Pierre: „Sein revolutionäres Engagement war konsistent, voll und umfänglich.“, wo sie auch hervorheben, dass er an Streiks teilnahm, Kämpfe von migrantischen Arbeitern unterstützte und auch „nachts durch das Viertel ging, um die alltäglichen Probleme der Nachbarn zu kennen – er war da, immer da, unermüdlich, unverdrossen.“
Der Vorsitzende Mao Tse-Tung schreibt hierzu „Wir Kommunisten müssen imstande sein, uns in allen Dingen mit den Massen zu verbinden. Wenn unsere Parteimitglieder das ganze Leben hindurch in ihren vier Wänden hocken und nicht hinausgehen, um sich einmal den Sturmwind um die Ohren pfeifen zu lassen und zu erfahren, wie es in der Welt zugeht – welchen Nutzen bringen sie dann eigentlich dem chinesischen Volk? Gar keinen, und wir brauchen solche Menschen nicht in unserer Partei. Wir Kommunisten müssen uns Stürme um die Ohren pfeifen lassen, müssen kennenlernen, wie es draußen in der Welt aussieht; diese Stürme, das sind die gewaltigen Stürme der Massenkämpfe, und diese Welt, das ist die große Welt des Kampfes der Massen.“
Wir stehen an der Seite unserer Genossen in Frankreich und senden unsere Anteilnahme.

New Epoch – FRANCE – Our warmest Red Salute on Comrade Pierre!

December 7, 2017
Pierre, a French comrade who was in struggle for long time, who have made many merits for the revolutionary movement and who has given his life for revolution, passed away on the 2th of December at an age of 81. For his life and his deeds he deserves our red salutes!
Many condolences on Comrade Pierre have been done the last days, in the following we publish the salutes of the “Building Committee of the Communist Party-maoist of Galicia”, “Tjen Folket” from Norway, the “Pcm Italy” and the “Revolutionaire Eenheid“ of Netherlands on the death of Comrade Pierre.
Source: Maoist Road

Philippines NPSP : Condolences on the death of Comrade Pierre

It is with heavy hearts and deep sorrow that we learned of the unexpected passing away of Comrade Pierre of the Parti Communiste Maoiste (PCM).
We in the United Filipinos in France (NPSP – Nagkakaisang Pilipino sa Pransya) convey our most heartfelt sympathies to his comrades, family and friends. We pay tribute to a beloved comrade of the Filipino people who passionately shared his ideals with us and had passionately worked for a just and better society, not only for his French compatriots, but also for migrants like us.
Comrade Pierre fell down a flight of stairs in a Paris subway on Friday night, 01 December. He suffered very serious injuries to his head and spine and was rushed to the hospital for emergency procedures. On Sunday, the medical team confirmed that he no longer had brain activity. He was disconnected from life support and passed away on Monday morning, 04 December. He was 80 years old.
We had our first contacts with Pierre and his organization in mid-2013. From the start until his last days, he had tirelessly supported the NPSP and its members. He assisted us in getting meeting rooms for our many activities, facilitated French language courses, encouraged us to join various discussions and activities of the progressive & revolutionary movement in France. We joined the Women Empowerment activities held every March, mobilizations calling for the release of political prisoners in October, and various other public gatherings. He didn’t pass up an opportunity to show solidarity and support for the issues and struggles of migrant Filipinos in France.
As a community of undocumented migrants in France, society tends to neglect our basic needs and disregard our basic rights. It is easy for others to turn a blind eye to our existence and our struggles. Comrade Pierre has given voices to our calls. Tirelessly present during our discussion and planning meetings and out in the streets with the trade unions and other groups in undertaking collective action.
We will be forever grateful for his support. His untimely death is a great loss but we will forever cherish your memory — humbly smiling to every migrant, giving of time and effort to every comrade, and tireless service to the people.
Our highest respect and salute to a dear friend and comrade. Long live the memory and legacy of Comrade Pierre!
(In photo: Taken last December 04, 2016 as NPSP give a certificate of recognition to Pierre at our Christmas Party event)

Nagkakaisang Pilipino sa Pransya
06 December 2017
Paris, France

USA – Fly High the Red Flag for Comrade Pierre! – – Queen City Maoist Collective

From the Queen City we send our solidarity and condolences to the Parti Communiste Maoiste (PCM) as they lost comrade Pierre. He was a tremendous beacon of revolution for all Maoists throughout the world, and this loss is huge.
Comrade Pierre’s passing happened on the birthday of Presidente Gonzalo, the greatest living Maoist in the world, and the 48th anniversary of the FBI murder of Fred Hampton and Mark Clark. Fred Hampton was one of the greatest revolutionary to come from the US.
Comrade Pierre was one of the most dedicated revolutionary communists in Europe. Right before the accident leading to his death, he had been attending a protest. Though we never knew him, his loss hit us hard. The loss of a comrade dedicated to the liberation of humanity is a loss for all. From the grand stories of his unwavering dedication to Maoism, to his mentoring of revolutionary youth throughout Europe, without a doubt the loss of comrade Pierre is a loss for the entire international proletariat.
Our collective deeply cherishes the lives of those we have lost serving the people, comrade Pierre among them. His uncompromising dedication should serve as a lesson to all revolutionaries across the world. The fight for world communism must now be sharpened. Comrade Pierre was a militant until the day he died, and we must continue his struggle for the liberation of the world proletariat.
Words from a comrade on comrade Pierre:

Today, a great comrade is gone. It was a man that inspired generations of communists, that gave his whole life at the service of a greater idea of mankind, at the service of a future of justice and freedom. He represented the transfer of knowledge, and he transmitted the fire from the Proletarian Left to the Maoist Communist Party with a tireless energy, being the living memory of struggle. More than a comrade, many of us saw him as a brother, a father or a grandfather, smiling and sharing good advices. He struggle against all kind of deviations, against renouncing, sometimes almost alone against the tide. Comrade, we wont forget you. For us, you’re an example, and you’ll live forever in our struggle. You’re is still among us, wherever flies this flag you loved so much, this red flag with the hammer and the sickle on it.

Long live marxism-leninism-maoism.

Comrade Pierre, present! Honor and respect

Comrade Pierre is immortal!
Fly high the red flag in his memory!
Long Live the PCM!
For revolution in the imperialist centers!
– Queen City Maoist Collective

Manipur for Pierre

France ki Maoist luchingba leikhidre. Comrade asina leikhidabada Manipur Maoist nasu thamoi saokna awaba phongdokchari.
Solidarity to Maoist Communist Party of France on the passing of Comrade Pierre
Our collective, since its early start has been inspired by the Maoists in France who have since then founded their party—the PCM. We are saddened by news of the loss of Comrade Pierre. We extend our condolences, love and respect to his Party, a party which has motivated us and taught us many things. Pierre as a senior leader of the PCM has touched many lives all over the world, their loss is our own. Last month one of our members was able to meet Comrade Pierre and we have included a short statement from this comrade. To the PCM, your loss is felt across oceans!
Some thoughts for a veteran comrade
When you are a member of an organization which is repressed, harassed, and surveilled, going as far as the corner store can be a troublesome experience, and going across the world is considerably more difficult. Delays, extra precautions, bureaucratic paperwork, and jet lag are just the most minor of considerations. My journey to France however, was made worthwhile by getting to meet a veteran leader of the Maoist movement of that country. Comrade Pierre was in his eighties, he was still fit and mobile, and he spoke fast and sharp. Even with a considerable language barrier, we immediately bonded over the concept of urban PPW: “Like a steel belt around the city,” we both said at the same time in different languages.
I have been many places and met many comrades, but none so far have left the kind of impression on me as Comrade Pierre did. His mastery of MLM, his way of expressing himself, his lifetime of militant experience—all were above and beyond expectation

Periódico El Pueblo Chile for Pierre

El 03 de diciembre falleció el camarada Pierre, comunista francés, luego de haber entregado su vida a la lucha revolucionaria.
El camarada Pierre se incorporó a la lucha en el Mayo del 68, revuelta estudiantil que sacudió a toda Francia, y desde ahí lucho con ímpetu contra el imperialismo y el revisionismo (falsos comunistas).
Lee todo en:…/francia-fallece-dirigente-comunista-c…/

Revolucion Obrera Colombia por el camarada Pierre

  • La traducción al español es responsabilidad de Revolución Obrera.


A Nova Democracia – Brasil for Pierre

O dirigente comunista maoista, fundador do Partido Comunista Maoista da França (PCmF), camarada Pierre, faleceu no último dia 3 de dezembro de 2017. Aos 80 anos, ele foi vítima de uma queda nas escadas do metrô, em algum lugar da França, no dia 01/12. A equipe médica declarou morte cerebral.
O camarada Pierre foi um importante lutador que dedicou sua vida à causa do proletariado e encontrou no marxismo-leninismo-maoismo as respostas aos problemas das massas. O PCmF, em declaração sobre seu falecimento denominada O camarada Pierre é imortal!, afirmou que a “sua vida foi repleta de compromisso revolucionário e a serviço do povo”.
Segundo os maoistas franceses, o camarada Pierre envolveu-se na luta revolucionária em maio de 1968, durante a Greve Geral que desembocou em um levantamento de massas extraordinário, sacudindo toda a França.
“Seu compromisso revolucionário sempre foi consequente e completo”, afirmam os maoistas, recordando que o camarada Pierre costumava fazer caminhadas noturnas “para conhecer os problemas diários dos vizinhos e próximos”, “incansavelmente, revolucionário entre as massas como um peixe na água”.
Os maoistas franceses afirmam por fim o seu legado e ensinamentos: “Sempre estar do lado do povo e da classe operária, para estar entre as massas como um peixe na água, buscando sempre melhorar, sabendo desafiar quando necessário, ser firme nos princípios, uma vida a serviço da revolução proletária mundial”.

Comrade Pierre is immortal! Statement from French Maoist Party – english traslation

Comrade Pierre is immortal! Statement from French Maoist Party
Our Comrade Pierre is dead. Saturday, December 2, following a demonstration, he took a terrible fall on the stairs of the subway that left him in critical condition. On Sunday, the medical team confirmed that he no longer had brain activity. He was disconnected from all assistive machines and died on Monday morning at the age of 81.
Our sadness is great and the loss of Comrade Pierre, as a member of the leadership of our Party, is huge. Because of the international dimension of our struggle, the disappearance of our Comrade is a loss for the international proletariat.
The life of Comrade Pierre is a life of revolutionary commitment and serving the people. It was May ’68 that led him to engage in the revolutionary struggle. As a proletarian, he turned quickly toward the Gauche Prolétarienne.
His revolutionary commitment was purposeful, comprehensive, and all-encompassing. Whether it meant joining a strike at a company, accompanying women seeking abortion abroad, supporting the struggle for workers’ migrant homes, siding with the Breton peasants who led the milk war, or simply going around the neighborhood at night to know the daily problems of neighbors – he was there, always there, tireless.
This is how he forged himself as a revolutionary activist, communist activist, and maoist activist – always at the heart of the people’s struggles, among the masses like a fish in the water.
Throughout his life, he continued to sharpen himself in the fire of the class struggle in close connection with the masses who gathered around him by transmitting his experience, training young comrades, and demonstrating by example how to make revolution with his characteristic energy.
Our Comrade Pierre will be remembered as a Comrade of all struggles, as an everlasting Comrade, as a tireless Comrade, who never left the camp of the exploited and oppressed.
As soon as our Comrades began talking about his passing, we received dozens and dozens of testimonials, messages of condolence, and statements expressing great feelings of sadness.
Yes Comrades, the revolutionary camp lost an incredible Comrade. But thanks to the legacy he passed to the younger generations, we have gained hope, strength, determination and an example of what it means to be an authentic communist leader, a Maoist leader: never to let go, always to be on the side of the people and the working class, to be among the masses like a fish in the water, always seeking to improve by knowing how to challenge when necessary, to be firm on the principles.
Comrade Pierre’s life was truly a service to the world proletarian revolution.
Our Comrade Pierre will live in the struggles of the international proletariat, he is immortal!
Our Comrade Pierre is a Maoist leader who will remain in the history of our class!
Comrade Pierre, presente!
Long live the World Proletarian Revolution!
Source : Democracy and class struggle

Canada – PCR quebec pour Pierre

Chers camarades, chères camarades du Parti communiste maoïste:
C’est avec beaucoup d’émotion que nous apprenons le décès de votre camarade – ou plutôt, notre camarade – Pierre, à la suite d’un tragique accident.
Le camarade Pierre incarne le marxisme-léninisme-maoïsme et la lutte pour le défendre, le développer et l’appliquer pour faire avancer la révolution mondiale. La douleur de sa perte, dont vous témoignez avec éloquence, est vivement ressentie par tous ceux et celles qui luttent pour le socialisme et le communisme, au Québec, au Canada et partout dans le monde. Son immense contribution d’une vie au service de la révolution

Pierrot, notre camarade, nous a quittés. – Collectif pour la libération de Georges Ibrahim Abdallah

Communiqués du CLGIA, Mobilisation

Le Collectif pour la libération de Georges Ibrahim Abdallah a la grande tristesse d’annoncer la mort accidentelle, ce lundi 4 décembre, de notre camarade Pierre Oller.

 Pierrot participait au Collectif depuis sa fondation : il y représentait son organisation, le Parti communiste maoïste.
Cette solidarité internationaliste qu’il mettait en action était dans le droit fil de son engagement révolutionnaire, long de plusieurs décennies.
Porteur de profondes convictions communistes,  il faisait vivre l’anti-impérialisme dans les combats d’aujourd’hui.
Grâce à son activité militante incessante et à son optimisme de combattant inlassable, Pierrot avait su mobiliser des forces nouvelles et jeunes, toujours présentes lors des manifestations pour exiger la libération de Georges Abdallah. Son esprit unitaire a été important pour élargir la campagne de solidarité.
Le Collectif adresse ses chaleureuses pensées à son épouse, à sa famille, à sa filleule, à ses amis et camarades de lutte.

Tunisie pour Pierre – Organisation du travail communiste

تلقينا اليوم ببالغ الأسى خبر رحيل الرفيق “بيار” القيادي صلب الحزب الشيوعي الماوي الفرنسي والذي تركنا عن سنّ تناهز 82 بعد مسيرة كفاحية خالدة.وإذ تتقدم منظمة العمل الشيوعي – تونس بأحرّ التعازي للرفاق في الحزب الشيوعي الماوي Parti Communiste maoïste ولكافة الثوريين والشيوعيين في العالم ولكل أحرار الإنسانية، فإنها تستذكر في هذه اللحظة الفارقة المسيرة النضالية الملهمة لأحد أبرز وجوه الحركة الشيوعية الفرنسية والأممية الذي كان لنا شرف لقائه والنضال إلى جانبه في التحرك الذي تم تنظيمه بفرنسا للمطالبة بإطلاق سراح المناضل الشيوعي جورج ابراهيم عبدالله .
المجد والخلود للرفيق بيار !
Abbiamo ricevuto la notizia della morte del nostro compagno Pierre, dirigente del Partito Comunista maoista di Francia, che ci ha lasciati all’età di 82 anni dopo un percorso di lotta ininterrotto. Perciò, l’Organizzazione del Lavoro Comunista – Tunisia esprime le sue condoglianze più sentite a tutti i rivoluzionari e al Partito Comunista maoista di Francia e a tutti i comunisti nel mondo. E in questo momento assai importante, ci ricorderemo per sempre del percorso di lotta continuo di uno tra i più noti nel movimento comunista francese, esprimendo l’onore di averlo incontrato e di aver lottato al suo fianco nella manifestazione per la liberazione di George Ibrahim Abdallah .
Gloria eterna al compagno Pierre

Germany Jugendwiderstand : “Fight, comrades! Fight and comrade Pierre will be immortal”

On this day we want to express our warmest internationalist salute and our solidarity towards our French comrades of the PCM.
We want to honour the memory of comrade Pierre who without and doubt has been a genuine revolutionary to the bottom of his heart and fought with fervor and dedication from the very first days of his struggle, to the moment he joined Gauche Prolétarienne, until the very last day.
We only had the chance to meet him once, but it was enough to see how much he cares for the people, how the younger comrades looked up to him, how tireless he was in organizing the revolution and how confident about us – the movement of the international proletariat – to finally win the struggle and conquer imperialism.
And this is the legacy of comrade Pierre we want to uphold: That his example will enlighten the hearts of young revolutionaries across the world and be with us in our struggle and of course with the French comrades in their struggle and so on… and one day, when the struggle is won and the victory is ours, he along with all the other revolutionaries who gave their lives will be part of it.
Fight, comrades! Fight and comrade Pierre will be immortal.

December 6, 2017

ICSPWI – thankyou comrade Pierre, untiring supporter of people’s war in India!

 Pesar polo falecemento do Camarada Pierre.

Comité Galego de Apoio a Guerra Popular na India.

Nota de imprenta.

Con grande pesar recebemos a noticia da morte, nun accidente, do camarada Pierre, un activo defensor da guerra popular revolucionaria que leva adiante o Partido Comunista da India (maoísta) e importante figura dos comunistas marxistas-leninistas-maoístas na Francia.
Tivemos ocasión de compartir momentos co camarada, na grande conferencia internacionalista de Hamburg en defensa da guerra popular na India, e apreciar o seu cariño polas masas e polos compañeiros e compañeiras que traballamos activamente nesta loita.
En nome das compañeiras e compañeiros que facemos parte do Comité Galego expresamos o noso pesar e cariño a súa compañeira, amigos e camaradas do PC-maoísta da Francia.

Honor e Gloria ao camarada Pierre !

Galiza, 06.12.17
Comité Galego de Apoio a Guerra Popular na India.

EE.UU.: Comrade Pierre, Red Salute! Tampa Maoist Collective.

 Dec 6th 2017:
When we think about the forces that inspired the creation of our collective, we immediately think of our comrades in Parti Communiste Maoïste. The PCM shows us that even in the centers of imperialism, it is right to rebel. Because of our tremendous respect, love, and international solidarity with the PCM, it was with great sadness that we learned of the death of Comrade Pierre. At the age of 81, this comrade never ceased to serve as a shining example of what it means to be a communist. Comrade Pierre took up the mantle of Maoism at the precise moment when the left in imperialist states was defecting in droves to post-modernism, he never apologized for his support of revolution and taught new generations of revolutionaries what it means to serve the people.
Much has been said about the life of Comrade Pierre by our comrades across the world and within the US, to this symphony of honor and respect our collective can only add very little. None of us knew or had met Comrade Pierre, but his example still reached us though a great distance stood between our two organizations. To us, Comrade Pierre is immortal and lives on in the actions of his comrades in France and across the world. With each advance we take, in Fance, the US, India, or Turkey, the memory of Comrade Pierre and all our martyrs marches with us.
To the Parti Communiste Maoïste, we offer your party, its mass organizations, and supporters our love and condolences on a loss that has affected you all so profoundly. The outcry of working people at the death of Comrade Pierre from one continent to another is a tribute to the work not only of that comrade, but of your entire party. The Tampa Maoist Collective sends you all red internationalist solidarity as you carry on the outstanding legacy of your comrade and friend Pierre.Long live the revolutionary memory of Comrade Pierre!
Long Live the World Proletarian Revolution!
Comrade Pierre, Lal Salaam!
Forward to Communism!

for Pierre from Sry Lanka

On the pass away on Com. Pierre
Dear comrades,
We express our deep sympathy on the pass away of the com Pierre. He is a revolutionary communist and tried to uphold communism and internationalism in the work with France and Europe. On this difficult movement of the international communist movement we have bereaved experienced fighter who stand for support to the people’s war in India and other countries, as well as support to the build and develop the communist movement in other countries. In this moment there is no doubt his pass away is greater loss for French and international comrades. We express our deep grief to the French comrades and expect they will live the memory and work of our fallen comrade in his life struggle. We expect comrades carry out his flag to achieve ultimate goal of the communist world. Let’s learn from his journey and his internationalist spirit.
Long Live memory of comrade Pierre!
Long live revolutionary internationalism!
Maoist Revolutionary League (MRL)
Sri Lanka

Camarade Pierre vendredi matin, à 10h, au cimetière du Père Lachaise salle Maumejean.

La crémation du Camarade Pierre aura lieu ce vendredi matin, à 10h, au cimetière du Père Lachaise salle Maumejean.
La mise en bière se déroulera à la chambre mortuaire de l’hôpital de la Pitié Salpetrière à 8h30. Vous pouvez inviter les Camarades qui souhaitent venir.
Salutations rouges

PCm Italy for Pierre’s Death – traslation french/english/spanish

message aux  camarades
Pierre est mort – nous sommes aux côtés des camarades français et nous serrons très fort dans nos bras sa copine.
Cet extraordinaire camarade communiste marxiste léniniste maoïste nous a laissé à la suite d’une chute maudite.
Nous sommes accablés par cette perte irréparable pour nous et pour le mouvement communiste international.
De tels camarades ne se rendent jamais, ils continuent à se battre jusqu’à l’épuisement pour la construction idéologique, théorique politique et d’organisation du parti communiste dans leur pays, puisqu’ ils sont internationalistes au fond de soi, ils voyagent sans cesse pour participer à chaque événement internationale utile à la cause de la révolution et à la cause de l’internationale communiste,
ils sont engagés chaque jour dans la lutte de la classe ouvrière et dans chaque agitation révolutionnaire, ils gagnent les jeunes et ils ne perdent jamais leur enthousiasme propagandiste, ils font l’histoire récente de ces années difficiles pour la construction des partis communistes authéntiques, ils font l’histoire, la vraie, celle du mouvement communiste international actuel.
Ce sont ces camarades qui, sans morgue sénile et idéologisme sectaire puérile, avec ténacité et modestie marquent la marche irrésistible du prolétariat.
Dans certaines périodes il a conduit tout seul la bataille sans se sentir jamais seul, parce qu’il était
toujours en première ligne dans la lutte des classes et il avait sur ses épaules et dans son coeur la force historique du passé du mouvement communiste et la convinction que le futur nous appartient.
Un camarade qui nous touche pour sa longue militance qui a traversé au moins un demi-siècle de la lutte communiste en France et du mouvement communiste marxiste-léniniste maoïste des derniers trente ans.
Un camarade à nos côtés du premier jour que nous l’avons connu jusqu’à la dernière fois que nous l’avons rencontré en Italie au mois de septembre 2017.
Un camarade qu’on va honorer comme il mérite dans notre organisation et dans le mouvement ouvrier communiste national et international.
Un camarade à qui on va dédier une partie importante du 2018 – le 50ème anniversaire du ’68 déclenché par le ” mai français ” – un camarade dont on ne se lassera jamais d’apprendre parce que jamais comme aujourd’hui il est vrai que ” Pierre est vivant et il lutte avec nous ! “
Vive le parti communiste maoïste de France qu’il a fondé.
Honneur et gloire au militant infatigable et au dirigeant communiste marxiste -léniniste- maoïste.
Vive l’internationalisme prolétarien.
Vive la révolution socialiste mondiale.
Ses camarades maoïstes italiens
PCm Italie
4 décembre 2017

el camarada Pierre ha muerto.

Estamos a lado con los camaradas franceses y damos un gran abrazo a su compañera de vida.

Este extraordinario camarada comunista marxista-leninista-maoista nos dejó después de una maldita caída.
Estamos destrozados por esta pérdida irremediable para nosotros y para el movimiento comunista internacional.

Son camaradas como estos, que nunca se dan por vencidos, que continúan hasta la última gota de energía lucha
ndo por la construcción teórica, ideológica, política y organizativa del Partido en su país, que viajan incesantemente, ya que son internacionalistas ‘a su interior’, para participar a todos los eventos internacionales que sirven la causa de la revolución y de la Internacional Comunista, que cada día están comprometidos con la lucha de la clase obrera y todo fermento revolucionario, que conquistan jóvenes, que nunca pierden su entusiasmo propagandista, son los que hacen la historia reciente de estos años difíciles para la construcción de partidos comunistas auténticos, que hacen la historia, la real historia del movimiento comunista internacional.
altivez senil ni ideologismo sectario infantil, con tenacidad y modestia son los que marcan la irresistible marcha del proletariado.

Para períodos el único a llegar por delante la batalla sin nunca sentirse solo, porque siempre al frente de la lucha de clases y teniendo por detrás y en el corazón la fuerza histórica del pasado del movimiento comunista y el convencimiento que el futuro nos pertenece.

Un camarada impresionante, para la larga militancia que ha pasado al menos medio siglo de la lucha comunista en Francia y los últimos treinta años del movimiento comunista marxista-leninista maoísta.
camarada al nuestro lado desde el primer día que lo conocimos hasta la última vez que lo encontramos en Italia en septiembre de 2017.Un camarada al que honraremos adecuadamente en nuestra organización y en el movimiento obrero y comunistas nacional e internacional.
camarada a quién vamos a dedicar una parte importante de 2018 – el 50° aniversario del 68, activado por el ‘mayo francés’ – un camarada del cual nunca nos cansaremos de aprender.

Porque nunca ha sido tan cierto que ¡Pierre está vivo y lucha con nosotros!
Viva el Partido Comunista Maoísta de Francia fundado por él.

Honor y gloria al infatigable militante y líder comunista marxista-leninista-maoísta.
Viva el
internacionalismo proletario.
la revolución socialista mundial.

Su camaradas maoístas italianos
Pcm Italia

4 diciembre 2017


Comrade Pierre is dead – we are at the side of the French comrades and embrace his life partner.

This extraordinary Marxist Maoist Marxist communist comrade left us after a damn fall.
We are shattered by this irremediable loss for us and the international communist movement.
Comrades like him, who never gave up, who continued until the last drop of energy fighting for the ideological, theoretical, political and organizational construction of the Communist party in his country, traveling, because he was “internationalists inside”, to incessantly participate in any international event serving the cause of the revolution and the Communist International, who was daily engaged in the struggle of the working class and any revolutionary ferment, who won youth, who never lose their propaganda enthusiasm, those who make the history of the recent difficult years for the construction of genuine communist parties, those who make the history, the true one of the current international communist movement.
With neither senile arrogance or childish sectarian ideologism, with tenacity and modesty, these comrades mark the irresistible march of the proletariat.

For a time he was the only one to lead the battle but ever felt alone, because he was all the time in the front row in the class struggle and had on the shoulders and in the heart the historical strength of the past Communist movement and the confidence that the future belongs to us.
An impressive com
rade, for his long militancy that has gone through at least half a century of the communist struggle in France and the last thirty years of the Maoist Marxist-Leninist communist movement.
comrade at our side since the first day we met him until the last time we met in Italy in September 2017.A comrade we will honor properly in our organization and in the national and international workers and communist movement.
A com
rade to whom we will dedicate an important part of the 2018 – the 50th anniversary of ’68, triggered by the ‘French May’ – a comrade from which we will not get tired to learn.
ecause it has never been so true that “Pierre lives and struggles with us!”

Long live the Maoist
Communist Party of France founded by him.

Honor and glory to the indefatigable militant and Marxist-Leninist-Maoist communist leader.
Long live proletarian internationalism.

Long live the world socialist revolution.

his Italian Maoist comrades
PCm Italy

December 4, 2017

,,,,,comrade Pierre has fallen, a revolutionary senior leader of the Maoist Communist Party of France (Parti Communiste Maoïste – PCM) – redguardsla.

Yesterday, Dec. 3 2017, was the 83rd birthday of the greatest living Marxist-Leninist-Maoist alive, the fourth sword of Marxism, who – with the Communist Party of Peru and the Peruvian masses – introduced contemporary revolutionary Maoism to the world, Manuel Rubén Abimael Guzmán Reynoso, also known as Presidente Gonzalo.
A man imprisoned by the Peruvian state, kept behind bars since his capture in 1992, for the rest of his life. Abimael Guzman is kept in a subterranean cell in the maximum security Callao naval base surrounded by round-the-clock military guards and landmines.
A man who, still, does not fear death. But rather, whose life and ideology are still feared by the Peruvian state and the international revisionists and bourgeoisie. His Peruvian and international supporters and students continue to call on the defense of his life – from India, Finland, Germany, the Netherlands, Turkey, Columbia, Mexico, Italy, Spain, the U.S., Canada and other countries across the globe.
As we utilize the birth date of Presidente Gonzalo to reaffirm our commitment to proletarian revolution, to reaffirm the greatest weapon of the proletariat and the oppressed, Maoism, we must also honor and reflect on today – Dec. 4 – the anniversary of the martyrdom of Black revolutionary communists – Chairman of the Illinois chapter of the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense Fred Hampton and comrade and Party member Mark Clark. Chairman Fred Hampton and comrade Mark Clark were martyred by the Chicago police with the assistance of federal agents and treacherous informants in 1969.
And on the other side of the ocean in France, comrade Pierre has fallen, a revolutionary senior leader of the Maoist Communist Party of France (Parti  Communiste Maoïste – PCM) who took up the scarlet flag of Maoism only to pass it down to future generations: the obligation of any Maoist.
Or as one comrade put it:
“Today, a great comrade has gone. He was a man who inspired generations of communists, who gave his whole life to the service of a greater idea of humanity, serving a future of justice and freedom. He represented the transmission of knowledge, and he passed the torch to the PCM with a tireless energy, representing the living memory of the struggle. More than a comrade, many of us considered him a brother, a father or a grandfather, smiling and full of common sense. He fought against all deviations, against all renouncement, sometimes almost alone against all. Comrade, we will not forget you. For us you are an example, and in our struggle you will live forever. Your memory is with us, wherever this flag you love so much, the red flag struck by the hammer and sickle. Long Live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism! Comrade Pierre, present! Salute and honor!”
As one life passes, another one is born. As one revolutionary life is extinguished, another revolutionary life is initiated. The Maoist must see life and death in this way: that there is no death for the revolutionary, only a transformation from militant to memory.
To be a revolutionary, to be a Maoist, must mean to be fearless and to surrender to the historical and philosophical acceptance of giving one’s life for the revolution.
“Fear? I believe that fear and lack of fear form a contradiction. The point is to take up our ideology, and unleash the courage within us. It is our ideology that makes us brave, that gives us courage. In my opinion, no one is born brave. It is society, the class struggle, that makes people and communists courageous–the class struggle, the proletariat, the Party, and our ideology. What could the greatest fear be? Death? As a materialist I know that life will end some day. What is most important to me is to be an optimist, with the conviction that others will continue the work to which I am committed, and will carry it forward until they reach our final goal, communism…” – Abimael Guzman
“Why don’t you live for the people. Why don’t you struggle for the people. Why don’t you die for the people.” – Fred Hampton

Irish Socialist Republicans: On the Death of Comrade Pierre

Irish Socialist Republicans express our strongest solidarity to our comrades, the Parti Communiste Maoïste (France), and to our comrades at Redspark following the death of Comrade Pierre.
The sudden death of Comrade Pierre is felt by all revolutionary forces across Europe and the world and is a major loss to the French proletariat and the international Working Class.
At 81, Comrade Pierre was a life long fighter on behalf of the Working Class and oppressed people, a revolutionary leader and a leading cadre of the PCM. Comrade Pierre led by example and gave freely of his time and experience to educate and train new generations of cadre in revolutionary theory and practice. Such revolutionaries are all to rare.
The continuity and experience of leadership personified in Comrade Pierre, is an incalculable loss to the revolutionary movement in France and Europe. While now is a time of mourning, a new generation must step forward, take up the mantle of struggle and continue the class war until victory. Such actions are the only fitting monuments to comrades like Pierre.
As Mao said “ All men must die, but death can vary in its significance. The ancient Chinese writer Szuma Chien said, “Though death befalls all men alike, it may be weightier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather.” To die for the people is weightier than Mount Tai, but to work for the fascists and die for the exploiters and oppressors is lighter than a feather.”
The loss of Comrade Pierre, therefore is weightier than Mount Tai. Forward to the international victory of the Proletariat!

Revolutionaire Eenheid salutes comrade Pierre, he is immortal! Revolutionaire Eenheid Netherlands

Our comrade Pierre is has passed away. A revolutionary since the ’68 uprisings in France, he passed away on Monday morning 4 December at the age of 81. He died of the consequences of a terrible fall off the stairs of the subway on the Saturday before, just after a demonstration.
It is with great sadness that we heard the news of our fallen comrade. Comrade Pierre was a dedicated revolutionary, always busy with political work in all its different forms. He was on the streets of his neighborhood, working with the proletariat around him. He was at the protests whenever they were there, up until his death. He was a theoretician and building a party, the PCM in France, according to Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, one of the strongest in the imperialist ‘belly of the beast’. It is through all of his work, his tirelessness and his selflessness that he will be remembered.
Comrade Pierre was in the Netherlands a couple of months ago. His energy, steadfastness and dedication to the worldwide proletarian revolution was clear to everyone who met him. At the same time comrade Pierre was humble and sober, stripped from the petit-bourgeois lifestyle that so many of us are stubbornly holding on to.
The passing away of comrade Pierre makes us sad. This is normal. But let us turn this sadness into action – that is what comrade Pierre would have wanted us to do. Let us carry the life and spirit of comrade Pierre in our everyday lives. Let us undo ourselves from petit-bourgeois lifestyles and ideologies. Let us be dedicated revolutionaries of the proletariat that will never stop until exploitation and oppression are a thing of the past. Let us fight for the worldwide proletarian revolution until communism!
Carry on the life and spirit of comrade Pierre in the worldwide proletarian revolution, he is immortal!
Comrade Pierre, presente!
Long live the worldwide proletarian revolution!

Revolutionaire Eenheid

Solidarity to Maoist Communist Party of France on the passing of Comrade Pierre – Red Guards Austin

Our collective, since its early start has been inspired by the Maoists in France who have since then founded their party—the PCM. We are saddened by news of the loss of Comrade Pierre. We extend our condolences, love and respect to his Party, a party which has motivated us and taught us many things.  Pierre as a senior leader of the PCM has touched many lives all over the world, their loss is our own.  Last month one of our members was able to meet Comrade Pierre and we have included a short statement from this comrade.  To the PCM, your loss is felt across oceans!
– Red Guards Austin, Dec 5, 2017

Some thoughts for a veteran comrade

When you are a member of an organization which is repressed, harassed, and surveilled, going as far as the corner store can be a troublesome experience, and going across the world is considerably more difficult. Delays, extra precautions, bureaucratic paperwork, and jet lag are just the most minor of considerations. My journey to France however, was made worthwhile by getting to meet a veteran leader of the Maoist movement of that country. Comrade Pierre was in his eighties, he was still fit and mobile, and he spoke fast and sharp. Even with a considerable language barrier, we immediately bonded over the concept of urban PPW: “Like a steel belt around the city,” we both said at the same time in different languages.
I have been many places and met many comrades, but none so far have left the kind of impression on me as Comrade Pierre did. His mastery of MLM, his way of expressing himself, his lifetime of militant experience—all were above and beyond expectation. I am honored to have sat with a giant.
We spoke of many, many things over the span of a few days, days now laced with a tinge of loss. Most teachers if they are worth anything can impart a great deal of knowledge given enough time. Truly great teachers will impart this knowledge much more quickly. Pierre stated that we are not eternal, and in the biological sense he was of course correct, a thesis he would prove less than one month later. In the other sense, Pierre, you are indeed eternal. Your experience has trained a movement, built a party, a great party—the PCM. There are many comrades who will not hesitate to continue fighting on in your stead, and you live now in each of our struggles.
A fighter in May ’68, a tireless supporter of the people’s war in Peru, and a student of Marx, Lenin, Mao, and Gonzalo—you are a part of a whole. Many people in their eighties remark of the rashness of their youth, show concern that they were too extreme, and the excesses (when they admit them) light a small glimmer in their otherwise dull eyes. This glimmer, however, never left Pierre’s eyes for a moment. We spoke well into late nights, and on early mornings his stamina was greater than comrades’ a quarter of his age. Not for a moment did he lament militancy. He would wield it like the sword of truth: “This time we will go further!” Many men were militant; Pierre was a militant who never stopped.
His inspiration and his remarkable revolutionary life will be carried with me for the rest of mine. I hope to develop half the commitment and knowledge that he showed. Upon parting for what would be the final time, he grasped my arms with a firm grip, looked directly at me, and told me, in English, “Remember—and do not forget—build the party!” I gave him my word that I would give my whole life to this, and I aim to make good on my word.
We may have been locked in struggles half a world apart, but we are all in the same class, children of the proletariat, who must build our parties and wage our wars. The whole of the PCM has lost a great fighter, teacher, and revolutionary, but we too in the international communist movement have lost a rare and dedicated comrade, a comrade who cared deeply for the trajectory of world revolution and never took his glimmering eyes off of the final goal of communism.
Red salute to the very best among us! The only way to properly honor our dead is to continue the fight! Comrade Pierre is eternal! Long live PCM, long live MLM, long live Pierre!
Statment from PCM in English: Comrade Pierre is immortal

Honor and Glory to Comrade Pierre!

Building Committee of the Communist Party-maoist of Galicia.

On December 4 we received the sad news of the death of Comrade Pierre, this report has shocked all the members of the BC of the Communist Party-maoist of Galicia.

Comrade Pierre, who hoisted the Maoism flag in France while those who claimed to be communists took refuge in parliamentary cretinism or in their couches of intellectuals.

Comrade Pierre, that when the LOD began and all the lies and cock-and-bull stories against the PCP, buntly defended the revolutionary line marked by Chairman Gonzalo.

Comrade Pierre, who struggled tirelessly for building the Maoist Communist Party, now an organization that follows the path of the Revolution.

Comrade Pierre, that when the revisionists and pseudo-revolutionaries criticized and ran away the Banlieues revolt, was present and struggling along with the rebellious youth of those neighborhoods.

Comrade Pierre, who always worked tirelessly for the unity of the Maoists around the world, will not be able to see this unity, but in his name and in the name of so many comrades who have left their lives for the People’s War and for the World Proletarian Revolution, the Maoists will tirelessly struggle for that unity. As the comrades of Brazil say: Camarada Pierre presente na luta!!

Comrade Pierre was a reference for our organization due to his determination and ability to work despite his age. Comrade Pierre was the anvil where many Maoists were forged with the invincible steel of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, they, who now will be multiplied, after his death, with the conviction that the future of the French proletarian youth and the world will be a bright future in a red world of the proletariat.

From the BC of the Communist Party-maoist of Galicia we want to show our condolences with his partner, friend and comrade, as well as with all comrades of the Maoist Communist Party of France.

Honor and Glory to Comrade Pierre!!

Long live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!!

Building Committee of the Communist Party-maoist of Galicia
Galicia December 5, 2017

Remembering Comrade Pierre – Our Language is Communism – Democracy and Class Struggle

We are saddened by the news of the death of Comrade Pierre of the Parti Communiste Maoiste.
Democracy and Class Struggle met Comrade Pierre on three occasions once in Paris and twice in London – we are now just left with our fond memories of him.
We first met him first in Paris with comrade Harry when he was building the new Maoist Movement in France just as we were trying to re-establish a new Maoist Movement in the British Isles.
Our second meeting was when he came to London to support our first public meeting in London to support Indian Maoists.
The third meeting was at a Political Prisoners Meeting when he made sure I understood the strategic concept of Protracted Peoples War and I gave him a copy of our book Marxism Against Market Socialism which he greatly appreciated.
I struggled with my limited French and he with his limited English but I remember him saying encouragingly as we struggled our language was communism – we were proletarian brothers.

Source: http://democracyandclasstruggle

Revolutionary Praxis Britain on the death of Comrade Pierre

Revolutionary Praxis on the death of Comrade Pierre

Revolutionary Praxis is saddened to learn of the death of Comrade Pierre. Back in the sixties this dedicated comrade took part in the struggle to build a thoroughly revolutionary movement in opposition to the degenerate revisionism which had arisen in France and other countries. The period since then has not been an easy one for comrades trying to keep the Red Flag flying but Pierre has lasted the course. In recent years he came to Britain on at least two occasions to try to help with building links among Maoists in Europe. This is a period when capitalism and imperialism are facing growing problems. We must pay tribute to his memory by renewing our efforts to promote real internationalism in revolutionary political struggle.
Long live the memory of Comrade Pierre!

Revolutionary Praxis (Britain)

Red salute to the living memory of Comrade Pierre – Tjen Folket Norway

Pierre, a long time Maoist activist in France, has passed away in a age of 81. Tjen Folket send our condolences to his family and the Maoist Communist Party (PCM) of wich he was a leading activist.
In the event of a comrade passing, we put forward Mao Zedongs words “To die for the people is weightier than Mount Tai”. Pierre lived for the people – he was an activist in the 1968-rebellion, in the ML-movement of the 1970thies, he was part of the establishing of a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist centre in France and he was still an activist till the end.
Tjen Folket did not know Pierre well, but some of our activists actually met him not long before he passed away. We are happy for this, since it is always inspiring to meet people who have dedicated a whole life to the struggle. He asked questions and made remarks, about social-imperialist China, imperialist aggression in the Middle East – and he told about the mass work and political line of PCM.
The Maoist movement is a young movement. But already, we have many martyrs from all corners of the world. Pierre was a veteran of the former communist movement, but he lived in the present, not in the past.
Red salute to Comrade Pierre!
Red salute to his family, friends and comrades!
Fight in the spirit of Comrade Pierre, long live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!

නෝර්වේ හි විප්ලවීය කොමියුනිස්ට් පක්ෂය බිහි කිරීම උදෙසා

නෝර්වේ හි විප්ලවීය කොමියුනිස්ට් පක්ෂය බිහි කිරීම උදෙසා

for the building of PCR Norway